Technology Services

Enterprise Application

Our focus is on enabling you to get the best business value from technology by :

  • Developing an IT strategy that matches technology capability, cost and agility to your business strategy

  • Ensuring that your applications and infrastructure are optimized to give you the right mix of innovation, agility, reliability and cost

  • Designing and implementing IT operating models that enable you to manage and govern the operational delivery according to your business needs

  • Defining and governing the technical architecture that ensures reliable, secure, cost-effective use of the technology, while still having the agility to adapt to changing circumstances, and the capability to manage technical innovation

List of Service Offerings :

IT Strategy

Developing IT strategy roadmaps to align IT plans with the business strategy and building business cases that enable the measurement and governance of IT value.

Application and Infrastructure Optimization

Ensuring that your application and infrastructure is designed to give you the agility and reliability that your business needs by optimizing the use of IT modernization, core system renewal, and cloud technology

IT Operations

Designing and implementing IT operating models that enable you to manage and govern IT service delivery quality, cost, and speed by using centers of excellence, bi-modal IT governance, and state-of-the-art IT service and vendor management.

Technical Architectures

Enabling you to define, plan, measure and manage the technical architecture services that underpin the delivery of technology services. We will work with you on technical architecture strategy, through to the details of designing and managing security, end-user computing, and infrastructure services.

Enterprise Social

Our focus is on enabling you to define and deliver technology-enabled transformations of your business by :

  • Working with you to define the business ambition that drives the transformation, and the strategy needed to achieve it. We help you to establish a value realization roadmap, define the business case, design governance principles and set up the business transformation program management.

  • Supporting you in implementing the transformation strategy, providing proper program and project management, and the right set of change management methods

  • Providing QA or turnaround support that enables you to ensure the effectiveness of in-flight transformation programs where we are not your primary implementation partner

List of Service Offerings :

Transformation Strategy

Helping you identify transformation requirements and the value that is associated with realization. In the next step, we support you in defining the transformation program

Transformation Program Management

Helping you manage and govern a complex, long-term, business transformation program (often supplemented by our enterprise change and learning offerings)

Transformation program management quality assurance

Helping you turn around ailing programs, or providing you with independent advice and support in managing high profile or high risk programs where you have selected other implementation partners

Enterprise Mobility

Our focus is to enable you to achieve integrated, well-functioning and efficient enterprise processes by :

  • Designing the overall process model, eliminating organizational, process or information gaps

  • Enhancing Supply Chain and Operations capabilities

  • Addressing key challenges in Finance and Controlling processes

  • Ensuring employees can be productive by fulfilling process objectives and enterprise targets

List of Service Offerings :

Business Process Optimization

Helping you to properly address changing business needs by streamlining your processes to ensure information is shared and accessible across the value chain and by improving your Business Process Management capability

Supply Chain and Operations Processes

Building Supply Chain and Operations Capability has always been important but it is now the critical differentiator for sustainable and scalable success. We help you to realize Supply Chain and Operations performance objectives both for execution and planning processes.

Finance Processes

Building and supporting a world-class finance function that consistently delivers added value to the CXO organization is paramount to your success in this ever-changing regulatory market.

HR Processes

Enhancing employee productivity and satisfaction to reach the highest potential to achieve CXO objectives, while being able to adapt to the fast pace and agility of the market.

Enterprise BI

We enable you to focus your whole value chain for the best customer experience and operational performance by :

  • Creating a continued set of positive experiences, resulting in sustained higher share of wallet and lifetime value, and positive influences on other customers

  • Creating next-generation commerce systems that deliver better multi-channel customer experiences through personalization, advanced selling and customer engagement techniques.

  • Translating your strategies into operational processes and information technology systems that optimize business performance, delivering excellence in sales processes.

  • Improving the performance of marketing operations by developing systems and operations that result in better customer acquisition/conversion and more efficient use of marketing spend techniques.

  • Changing the culture of IT organizations and their business counterparts, to develop capabilities and planning approaches to improve performance and become more nimble

  • Helping you to develop, test and scale new capabilities to deliver new revenue streams and defend against disruption

List of Service Offerings :

Customer Experience Management

We help clients create and enhance customer lifetime value, higher share of wallet, and bring about a continued set of positive experiences

Multi-Channel Commerce

We create next-gen commerce systems for better multi-channel customer experiences through personalization, advanced selling, and engagement techniques

Customer Relationship Management

We translate client strategies into operational processes and IT systems that optimize business performance to deliver sales process excellence

Digital Marketing

We help clients improve their marketing operations performance by developing systems and processes that result in better customer acquisition and conversion

Agile Enterprise

We help clients change their culture, development capabilities, and planning approaches to improve performance and become more nimble (not just Agile SDLC)

New Business Models

We help clients develop, test, and scale new capabilities to deliver new revenue streams to defend themselves against disruptions


We enable organizations to transform and deliver value by ensuring that users adopt and make the best use of the planned changes in their ways of working.

We drive user adoption via three linked offerings :

  • Strategic change

  • Change enablement

  • Learning

  • Each of these has an embedded set of capabilities that our practitioners can deploy to attain the best value for our clients.

List of Service Offerings :

Strategic Change

We work with CXOs to define change agendas to help streamline business objectives and enable new operational structures.

Change Enablement

We leverage our experience and expertize to ensure our clients overcome implementation change challenges.


We leverage the latest technologies and social trends to assist our clients optimize their investments.


We enable organizations to transform and deliver value by ensuring that users adopt and make the best use of the planned changes in their ways of working.

We drive user adoption via three linked offerings :

  • Strategic change

  • Learning

  • Each of these has an embedded set of capabilities that our practitioners can deploy to attain the best value for our clients.

List of Service Offerings :

Strategic Change

We work with CXOs to define change agendas to help streamline business objectives and enable new operational structures.

Change Enablement

We leverage our experience and expertize to ensure our clients overcome implementation change challenges.


We leverage the latest technologies and social trends to assist our clients optimize their investments.


We enable organizations to transform and deliver value by ensuring that users adopt and make the best use of the planned changes in their ways of working.

We drive user adoption via three linked offerings :

  • Strategic change

  • Change enablement

  • Learning

  • Each of these has an embedded set of capabilities that our practitioners can deploy to attain the best value for our clients.

List of Service Offerings :

Strategic Change

We work with CXOs to define change agendas to help streamline business objectives and enable new operational structures.

Change Enablement

We leverage our experience and expertize to ensure our clients overcome implementation change challenges.


We leverage the latest technologies and social trends to assist our clients optimize their investments.